Care homes for older people Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) guidance: what has changed during September 2022?

The changes to IPC guidance throughout September bring care services ever closer to business-as-usual for service delivery.

We recognise that there may be anxiety around implementing some of the changes. With continued application of Standard Infection Control Precautions (SICPs) and, where needed, Transmission Based Precautions (TBP) when caring for individuals who have suspected or known infection the risks can be managed and reduced.

The Care Inspectorate support the implementation of updated IPC guidance and will take this into account when visiting services.

The following is a summary of guidance changes and links to further information.

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Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation

A spokesperson for the Care Inspectorate said: “We welcome the announcement of an Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR).

“The Care Inspectorate looks forward to contributing our knowledge and expertise to the work of the review and continuing to play our role in ensuring high-quality care and improved outcomes for all those experiencing care."

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Assessment of staffing levels: Guidance for non-premises-based care services

The Safe Staffing Programme team has published interim guidance for non-premises-based services for young people and adults on the effective assessment of staffing levels. The guidance is aligned with our quality frameworks and the Health and Social Care Standards and was written in collaboration with our stakeholders.

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Supporting wellbeing - gardening demonstration webinars

We are working alongside Trellis, who promote health and wellbeing via horticulture, to host two webinars as we move into autumn and winter. The webinars will demonstrate straightforward gardening activities that can be undertaken indoors, to help people experiencing care to reap the benefits of gardening. The webinars are open to all and are suitable for people with no gardening knowledge. Please join us and have a go!

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Early Learning and Childcare Statistics 2021

The Care Inspectorate has today published ‘Early Learning and Childcare Statistics 2021’, which shows the availability and quality of early learning and childcare (ELC) for children and families across Scotland.

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