Call for submissions for Luminate 2014

Luminate, Scotland's creative ageing festival, celebrates our creative lives as we age. Launched in 2012, Luminate is supported by Creative Scotland, the Baring Foundation and Age Scotland.

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Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) Consultation

Part two of the consultation on the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) draft revised Code and their proposed approach to revalidation is now open.

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Joint inspection of services for children and young people in Clackmannanshire

A JOINT inspection of services for children and young people in Clackmannanshire has highlighted areas of good performance and also made recommendations where further improvement can be made. 

The report, published today, follows a joint inspection led by the Care Inspectorate.

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Caring for people at home

SCOTLAND’S social care regulator, the Care Inspectorate, says there has been a marked increase in care at home services achieving very good or excellent inspection grades in the past three years.  

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Joint inspection of services for children and young people in Stirling

A JOINT inspection of services for children and young people in Stirling has highlighted areas of good performance and also made recommendations where further improvement can be made. 

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