Complaints consultation

The Care Inspectorate is considering changes to the way it handles complaints about care.

Scotland’s social care scrutiny and improvement body inspects and regulates more than 14,000 care services across Scotland, and last year it investigated more than 3,788 concerns about care, with 1,129 complaints upheld.

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Dementia events

We are holding our final Shifting Landscapes of Dementia Care event in Inverness. 

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Nominate a hero

The Annie Dow Heroism Award (TADHA) has extended its deadline until 31 January in order to honour as many heroes with additional support needs as possible. 

Find out more about this award and how to nominate someone here.

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Complaints procedure consultation

We are changing our procedures for handling complaints about registered care services and we want to hear your views. We have launched this consultation to make sure the procedure is fully understood and easy to access and use.

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