On 17 October 2016, Fiona McQueen CNO launched a Nursing Vision 2030 engagement toolkit.
The goal is to produce a vision for maximising the nursing contribution to health and well-being which is informed and supported by the nursing workforce, students and stakeholders. The Vision will set out what nursing needs to look like by 2030 and capture the things we do well, along with the things that need to change and be done differently.
CNO is asking for all our help in hosting local engagement sessions so that nurses, student nurses, or representatives of the profession can contribute no matter where they work.
People who are not able to take part in local engagement conversations will still be able to have their say through an on-line survey which can be accessed at 2030 Nursing Vision Survey
Feedback can be given via the on-line survey
The engagement toolkit and communications toolkit are on the Scottish Government website or on NHS SHOW website
Please see attached the supporting letter and presentation that supports this request.