We have just created 2 new features for our website which will allow you to view our most recent inspection reports.  

  • RSS Feeds for our Care Service List
  • Latest Inspection Reports 

RSS Feeds 

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. 

Also called web feeds, is a format used when you want to subscribe to particular content on the website.   

We have created an RSS feed for each care service that you can subscribe to, so that you are notified everytime an inspection report is published for that particular service. 

When you view a care service you will see a link which states "subscribe to this services' RSS Feed"  Cick on this link and select "subscribe to this feed". You will then be notified through your feed reader when a new inspection report has been published. 

Latest Inspection Reports 

We will update this area to show you the latest inspection reports that we have produced for care services, local  authorities and child protection inspections. Click on the name of the service/local authority to open up the report.