Two new online services for Learning Disabilities have been launched by NHS Education Scotland and Better Info Better Lives. 

For all Health and Social Care Staff involved in supporting people with a Learning Disability in Scotland, a new portal is being developed  within The Knowledge Network and Social Services Knowledge Scotland. It  will provide a one-stop-shop for finding and sharing knowledge – including evidence, learning resources,  legislation, standards & guidelines, publications and key topics. Key features include: 

  • Access to best evidence
  • Quality assured educational resources;
  • Help to find and use information in practice;
  • Communities of practice for key  topics or audiences to enable collaboration and sharing of experiences and resources

You can access the site here

For People with Learning Disabilities and Carers, the Better Info Better Lives website, developed by the Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability with support from NHS Education  contains accessible social care information for people with learning disabilities, their families and people who work with them  The website has lots of information on services and support and all the information is easy to understand.

Topics on the website include employment, housing, and transitions. The design of the website is clear and accessible so that it is easy for people to find the information they need.

The information is available in a variety of accessible formats including easy read, plain English, audio and video. 

You can access the site here