It is estimated that around 2,107 supervisors in care homes for adults still need to register with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) before it becomes compulsory on 30 March 2012.
Any service employing someone who should be registered by this time will be committing an offence.
All care home services for adults have been notified of the date that registration becomes compulsory for staff at supervisory level (eg Senior Carer) and it’s vital that they are registered on time. Some workers may be registered with other bodies like the Nursing and Midwifery Council but those that are not must register with the SSSC. Applications must be received as soon as possible and those not registering with the SSSC must notify the SSSC of their circumstances. The quickest way to see if a supervisor is registered is to search the online SSSC Register at, ask the staff member if they are registered and ask to see their registration certificate.
It’s important for families, carers and employers to know what compulsory registration means for their workers as well as people who use their services.
Registration means that staff working within care home services for adults are suitable, hold relevant qualifications and continue to develop the skills to work in care home services.
Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive of the SSSC said:
“Many supervisors in care home services for adults have already registered which shows their commitment to their profession and to raising standards of practice in the workforce. There is a small minority who have not and it is vital that they contact us as soon as possible. Employers need to check that their staff are already registered with us or with another regulator and ensure staff who are not registered do so urgently. Families and carers can also help by asking the service if staff are registered as those services employing workers who are not registered after 30 March 2012 will be committing an offence.”
Annette Bruton, Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate said:
"The Care Inspectorate is here to protect people who use care services and their carers. We believe that the strength and quality of care staff is a crucial element in providing high quality care and providers need to ensure their staff are appropriately registered with the SSSC or other relevant bodies.
“We would strongly encourage providers to ensure that their staff are registered as this can have a direct impact on the grades that services receive when they are inspected. In any case where there is a persistent failure to meet their legal obligation to ensure their staff are registered, we will not hesitate to take further action to ensure that people using care services and their families are confident about the professional standards of practice provided at these services.”
For more information on registration and employers’ responsibilities visit the SSSC website: