AN Aberdeen care home has been told it must improve the care it provides to residents, following an unannounced inspection by Scotland’s social care watchdog.  

Inspectors from the Care Inspectorate raised continuing concerns about the quality of care provided at Grandholm Care Home in Bridge of Don. 

The service has been graded ‘2 – weak’ for the quality of care and support it provides.

A spokesman for the Care Inspectorate said: “We continue to have concerns about the care being provided at Grandholm Care Home and are working with the service to ensure it improves. 

“We have informed the service of the areas which require immediate attention to ensure the care provided meets the standards we expect.

“Areas which must improve include care planning, nutrition and fluid monitoring, wound care and staff deployment.

“Everyone in Scotland has the right to good quality care which meets their needs and respects their rights.

“If we do not see evidence of improvement we will not hesitate to take further action.

“Anyone with concerns about a care service can contact our helpline on 0345 600 9527.”

The service was subject to an unannounced inspection in January.

Notes to Editors 

A full report of that inspection is available here:

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