What will we do?

Between July 2024 and December 2024 we will carry out a review that will focus on social work governance and assurance in Scotland.  We will answer the following question.

How well do social work governance and assurance arrangements support leaders to:

  • Ensure statutory duties are carried out safely and effectively?
  • Enable social work staff to be supported, accountable and effective in their practice?
  • Assist social work staff to uphold core social work values? 

What is the purpose of the review?

The purpose of the review is to add to the understanding of the role, remit, effectiveness and the current challenges facing social work services. We will do this by exploring the impact of governance and assurance arrangements. The review will:

  • highlight the areas of influence for chief social worker officers, principal social workers and other key social work leaders as they provide governance and assurance
  • explore the support and assistance provided by leaders and managers to encourage staff to uphold social work values in practice
  • identify and disseminate information about what is working well
  • recognise the challenges faced by local leaders and staff across the country and identify areas where improvement is required.

How will we do this?

A team of strategic inspectors from the Care Inspectorate will carry out the review. The scope of the review is relative to the current pressures currently being experienced by the sector. It is designed to be mindful of the impact on those leading and working in social work services.  We will take a collaborative, flexible and supportive approach when working with local areas. Each area is asked to nominate a co-ordinator to act as a main point of contact for the review.  The timeline below (figure 1) illustrates the core tasks being undertaken through the review. The key dates are outlined below.

How will we report our findings?

The review will conclude in December 2024. Using the principles of the European Framework for Quality Management (EFQM) model, we will analyse all of the information gathered systematically and will draw together messages for the sector.  A national report will be published on our website in March 2025. We will also use other methods, such as webinars, to share the learning from the review. 

For more information, please visit our website here

Review timeline

webpage graphic

Figure 1: Review timeline

Details about the review timeline


Type of activity

More details

15 July 2024 Notification Local authorities and HSCPs formally notified and asked to nominate a co-ordinator to act as a single point of contact by 19 July 2024.The following week co-ordinators receive detailed guidance about the review.  
5 - 16 August 2024 Briefing sessions for co-ordinators Co-ordinators invited to attend a virtual briefing session with the review team from the Care Inspectorate.Information about the review will be shared and there will be opportunities for co-ordinators to ask questions.  
19 August - 4 October 2024 Staff survey  Local authority areas/HSCPs asked to share a staff survey for all frontline social work staff and first line managers.  
27 August 2024 Document return Co-ordinators asked to return a short list of documents to the partnership by this date.  
30 September -
1 November 2024
Interviews with leaders and focus groups Structured interviews with Chief Social Work Officers and a maximum of two other people during this period.Middle/senior managers (e.g. operations managers, service managers) from each local authority invited to participate in themed virtual focus groups.  
17 March 2025 National review report publication  National review report published on the Care Inspectorate website.  A local staff survey report will be provided to each area after publication.Further opportunities to discuss findings will be arranged, including webinars.  


Key definitions

Some definitions to clarify the remit of the review:

By governance and assurance we mean: A robust system for assuring high standards in the delivery of safe, personalised and effective social work services [adapted from the definition in “Governance for quality social care in Scotland” SWS 2018]

By statutory duties we mean: those outlined in the “Role of the registered social worker in statutory interventions: guidance for Local Authorities” in relation to the wide range of statutory duties across children’s, adults and justice social work services [source: Role of registered social worker in statutory interventions: guidance for Local Authorities SG 2010].

By social work staff we mean: social workers and other staff employed to fulfil or support the delivery of statutory social work duties such as occupational therapists, paraprofessionals (social work assistants and justice assistants). For the purposes of this review, we will not involve staff who work in registered services (such as residential care home staff, housing support staff or similar), because they are already involved in inspections of regulated services.  

By core social work values we mean: those outlined in the SSSC code of practice (May 2024) underpinned by the ethical principles of human rights and dignity, social justice and professional integrity [source: BASW Code of Ethics 2021]