We're changing how we inspect - take part in our public survey

This year we are taking a fresh look at the way we inspect care. Your views will help shape future inspections and contribute to the Scottish Government’s review of the National Care Standards.

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Recruitment of a Chair for the Board of IRISS

The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is recruiting for a Chair to their Board.

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Keeping people informed

SCOTLAND’S social care watchdog, the Care Inspectorate, has announced a drive to better inform people about poorly performing care services, and highlight those which demonstrate leading-edge practice.

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Inspection Volunteers


People with experience of care are being encouraged to help Scotland’s social care watchdog, the Care Inspectorate, carry out its work.

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Mental Welfare Commission webinars

The Mental Welfare Commission (MWC) have announced a further two webinars that will take place in March 2014.

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