On the 24 November 2016 the Scottish Government launched the national strategy for community justice alongside the Outcome, Performance and Improvement Framework (OPI Framework). These outline the vision for community justice in Scotland with the OPI Framework providing expectations and guidance for statutory partners and the third sector. The statutory partners are:
- Local authorities
- Health boards
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS)
- Skills Development Scotland
- Integration joint boards (IJBs)
- Scottish courts and tribunals service
- Scottish Ministers (in practice, the Scottish Prison Service and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal service)
The model for community justice came in to full effect on 1 April 2017. At the same time the new national body for community justice, Community Justice Scotland, also commenced.
The Scottish Government commissioned the Care Inspectorate to develop a guide to self-evaluation for community justice in Scotland. This guide sits within the OPI Framework and is part of the wider approach that statutory partners, third sector and others can use in striving for continuous improvement and excellence in community justice.
The self-evaluation guide was also launched as part of the OPI Framework can be downloaded by clicking on the links below
A guide to self-evaluation for community justice in Scotland
Useful information and quick tips for using the self evaluation guide
The development of the guide was undertaken in a truly collaborative way that ensured key partners, services users and other stakeholders were involved throughout the development process. We met with strategic groups to discuss self-evaluation and harness their views on different approaches to the guide. We sent a survey to staff involved in delivering community justice across Scotland to hear what they thought was important. We also met with groups of people with lived experience of community justice to gather their views and ensure the guide reflected what was important to them.
While the guide is primarily for statutory partners and the third sector to use as an approach for continuous improvement and striving for excellence, it also forms the basis of the model for scrutiny and inspection of community justice in the future.
Update briefing note July 2018
Completed supported and validated self evaluations
If you have any questions about this please contact Jane Kelly on 07468702550 or by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.