The National Association for Providers of Activity (NAPA) based in England have held a challenge through July 2012 called Go For Gold.
Go For Gold PiperThis challenge builds on the excitement of the Olympics and challenges residents and staff in the care sector to increase their physical activity levels not just for the training for and the actual events but over the long term. The Go For Gold challenge offered a choice of 5 kinds of events - games challenge, try -athlon, dance with me, walk with me or creating your own challenge.
Edith Macintosh, Care Inspectorate Rehabilition Consultant noted:
Go For Gold Activity"I am involved in a Scotland planning group and members of that group, from all over Scotland, have had enormous amounts of energy and enthusiasm to see Go For Gold events happen in their area. The Aberdeen Golden Games, West Lothian Games (for the 2nd year), Mid Lothian Games, Perth and Kinross Go For Gold Games and South Lanarkshire Dance With Me have taken place to name just a few.
Residents from care homes and those who use day services have taken part and thoroughly enjoyed the challenge, the excitement, being more active and meeting people. Some of those involved were over 100 years of age. The events have also provided an opportunity for community around to get involved, along with family and friends. I had the privilege of attending the Perth and Kinross event which was excellent and at the end everyone who took part got a Go For Gold medal and the winners got trophies. It was clear to see that everyone in the sports centre had a fantastic day."
South Lanarkshire Council held a synchronised dance challenge on Tuesday 3 July at 11.30am across their 8 care homes, 16 day care centres and hosted a main event with participants from across South Lanarkshire in the Banqueting hall, Hamilton.goforgold6.jpgThe Dance Challenge was to promote activity in older people in the year of the London Olympics 2012 regardless of age and ability.
Lisa Gaffney, a local dance choreographer from LMG School of Dance volunteered to choreograph six dance routines and these were recorded onto DVD and sent to all 24 centres to practice in anticipation of the synchronised event. Lisa and her dancers were keen to support the aims and objectives of the challenge and willingly gave their time in support of active ageing and dance.
The challenge took place on Tuesday, 3 July 2012 at 11.30am with a total of 438 service users participating across South Lanarkshire. 107 service users attended the main event in the banqueting hall along with 20 guests including Councillor Jim Handibode, Chair Social Work Resources Committee, Winnie Burke and Evelyn Devlin, Community Living managers and 60 staff from across Lanarkshire. Following the dance challenge service users and guests were treated to a dancing display by LMG School of dance, with dancers from 20 months upwards, lunch and a tea dance. The event attracted colleagues from various resources of SLC to the banqueting hall and enthused interest in the challenge and care of older peoples services.
goforgold7.jpgThe day was a resounding success with lots of dancers filling the dance floor at the banqueting hall and some sitting, choosing to dance from their chair. Colleagues embraced the challenge dressing up and getting into the spirit of the dance and all 24 centres expressed what a resounding success the challenge was.
Harry Stevenson opened the ceremony with a personal message, engaged with humour on his own dancing abilities, and started the countdown to the challenge, a synchronised countdown was also held in each centre and Andy Goram joined in too, helping the Jenny McLachlan Centre countdown to the challenge.