We want people to be able to meaningfully engage with our inspections in a way that suits them best. In 2023, we ran a successful pilot to introduce online surveys for people who use services, carers, relatives, staff and other professionals who help to support people in care homes.
We are now ready to roll out the second phase of surveys to all care at home/housing support services and will be asking people to complete these from mid-May 2024 onwards. We have developed a care survey for people who use care at home/housing support services, relatives, carers, staff and visiting professionals who help to support people in services. These surveys replace the old care standards questionnaires (CSQs) and link to our quality frameworks.
People who experience care can complete our care surveys by:
- completing the form that will be issued to the service and then returning this in the freepost envelope provided.
- completing the survey online (Microsoft Forms).
- downloading the survey from our website and posting it to us.
Throughout the year, we will send an email to service managers with survey links, and we ask that these links are distributed to people using and supporting the service. These surveys will be specific to your service so please do not share them with any other services.
We understand some people, especially those experiencing care, will need support to provide their feedback and so would welcome any support you can provide to enable them to participate.
Further information about our care surveys and copies of the survey can be found here.
To request an accessibility version please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We’re still in the process of developing these so we would welcome any feedback you have.