Hamlet Farm is a residential care home provided by Imagine Care, a private limited company, registered by the Care Inspectorate in July 2022. Hamlet Farm is a six-bedded new built house set in North Ayrshire and provides care for up to three children and young people aged 5-18 years. The house provides a modern comfortable home to the young people. 

During a recent inspection (the service's first) we identified several major strengths in supporting positive outcomes for young people.  The Promise states; “Supporting the workforce to care must be at the heart of Scotland’s service planning”. The Promise was evidently at the heart of service delivery and we were particularly impressed by the support provided to staff working for Imagine Care. 


James Doyle, Founder and Managing Director of Imagine Care stated; 

“The central ethos of the organisation is to invest in and empower its people. We believe that by developing a culture where the team feels valued and each individual is given the support, opportunity and encouragement to progress, this will create a positive living environment for young people where trauma informed work can take place. Underpinning this culture is our desire to innovate and demand the best for young people and the parents and carers who place their trust in us.”

This is certainly what we found in the service during inspection.

Hamlet Farm benefitted from an experienced stable staff team who enjoyed their work and felt extremely supported.  The mix of experience and skills within the staff team resulted in effective teamwork and a consistent trauma informed approach to care. Staff were encouraged and happy to ‘bring their whole selves to their work.’ This allowed for a natural yet professional feel to care and supported the young people to develop secure trusting relationships with staff, which as The Promise states, supports young people to heal.   Staff told us;

“Hamlet Farm is a great place to work, the staff team work collaboratively which allows us to offer consistent and cohesive high standards.  Child centred trauma informed care is at the centre of what we do here at Hamlet Farm and having a team of experienced, skilled professionals who are happy at their work is very important as we strive to make exceptional standards of care the norm.”  

“I have been able to have a voice and provide opinions, where people actually listen and often implement your ideas. It creates a real energy in the team where everyone wants to contribute.” 

Staff were safely recruited. Effective inductions and ongoing training supported staff to be equipped to successfully meet the needs of young people. Specific training was facilitated when required to fully understand and meet the needs of individuals. 

Team Meeting

The Promise notes that supervision and reflective practice is essential for all practitioners regardless of their professional discipline or role, who are working with children.  This was a particular strength of Hamlet Farm with all staff members feeling fully included in training, team meetings and staff development days.  Staff spoke of how they were supported to embed training in practice through supervision.  Staff also felt that supervision supported their understanding of policies and procedures particularly in relation to safeguarding and child protection.  Staff were confident to discuss their learning needs and additional supports were provided if necessary.  Staff were supported to gain qualifications for professional development and good practice was recognised and praised.  One staff member stated

The support and supervision I have received from the management team since beginning in my role has contributed to me being able to effectively lead within an innovative environment, where trauma informed practice is at the heart of the care we deliver for young people.”  

“Being in an environment where my abilities are recognised, and also where my limitations are identified and supported has allowed me to be able to do more for the young people.” 

We heard that there had been recent opportunity for progression for some staff and they felt confident and ready to move into their new roles due to the support provided. Staff told us;   IMG 0752 002

“…due to the fantastic leadership and support I have received from my management team I was promoted to the Team leader post here at Hamlet Farm in July 2023.”  

The support I have received has given me the opportunity to develop from residential support staff to Team Leader and to my current role of Assistant Manager of the service, within a short space of time. I have been given the opportunity to grow at the same time as the organisation and it feels like synchronicity and genuine reward for the effort put in.”

The strong focus on staff development and support has led to a staff team who were confidently delivering the best quality support and therapeutic, trauma informed care. 

“… the most important element of Imagine Care are its people, and creating an empowered work force is a fundamental ingredient of authentic trauma informed practice.