In 2016 Care Inspectorate in partnership with Scottish Government and Scottish Futures Trust launched Space to Grow a design guidance for daycare of children’s services including school aged childcare. The design guide was developed as research evidenced that the environment can have both a positive impact on a child’s development and improve learning outcomes for children. To ensure children benefit it is important that settings are provided in environments which is fit for purpose and supports children’s development, health, well-being and happiness.
Since Space to Grow was launched there have been many changes across the ELC sector including learning from the pandemic and the ELC expansion. Since 2016 the Care Inspectorate has supported innovative approaches which has resulted in additional guidance on the outdoor, indoor/outdoor and satellite environments these will be reviewed and included in the revised guide where appropriate.
The Care Inspectorate are leading the review of Space to Grow. This work will be led by Karen Quinn, Team Manager. The updated design guide will be delivered by March 2024. We will be undertaking the review in collaboration with the sector. The draft design guide will be fully consulted on. We will also be developing an external stakeholder reference group with key stakeholders who have an interest or role in the provision of premises based daycare of children or school aged childcare to guide the work.
The aim of the review is to update the resource to reflect best current practice to support positive outcomes for children and families in environments that support staff deliver high quality provision. We will update you as the project progresses and we look forward to your input into the updating of this important resource.