The joint inspection of adult support and protection in Perth and Kinross has found clear strengths which collectively outweighed the areas for improvement.
Inspectors noted that the partnership had strong self-evaluation and quality assurance processes, which determined the performance and impact of adult support and protection arrangements.
The partnership provided opportunities for the collaborative involvement of partner agencies and information sharing through specialist screening and triage arrangements and interagency referral discussions.
The Council recently procured an electronic case management system to enhance methods of recording social care information.
The partnership had developed initial referral discussion processes, which improved the quality of inquiries and outcomes for adults at risk of harm.
Strategic leadership, and oversight of adult support and protection arrangements, were very effective. Social work teams, a dedicated adult support and protection lead detective officer, and a dedicated NHS team strengthened public protection.
Some priority areas for improvement were also identified.
Medical examinations were not always carried out when they should have been. For a few cases, this impacted negatively on the adult at risk of harm. A more consistent approach was needed.
Some aspects of adult protection practice within the Police Divisional Concern Hub were inconsistent. The partnership should maximise opportunities to escalate, share and record information more robustly.
Adults at risk of harm and unpaid carers should be invited and, where necessary, supported to attend case conference. Information regarding attendance and engagement should be clearly recorded to demonstrate the partnership’s interventions.
Edith Macintosh, interim Chief Executive of the Care Inspectorate, said: “The partnership demonstrated it was committed to achieving excellence in matters pertaining to adult support and protection practice and improvement.
“We have asked the Perth and Kinross partnership to prepare an improvement plan to address the priority areas for improvement we identify. The Care Inspectorate, through its link inspector, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland will monitor progress of the implementation of this plan.”
The full report can be read here.
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