We are developing new ways of inspecting the quality of care and support, to help support improved services for people experiencing care.
In July 2018, we began introducing new frameworks for inspection and self-evaluation. We have developed new frameworks across the range of services which we regulate. You can find the published frameworks here.
We are now testing the draft quality framework for nurse agencies and we would like to know what you think.
Our framework has been developed in consultation with providers and learning from the development and review of our quality frameworks across a range of sectors. The quality framework is designed for use in self-evaluation, inspection, and improvement support, and draws heavily on outcomes for those using the service (organisations and individuals) and the Health and Social Care Standards.
The framework uses a series of key questions and quality indicators to help prompt reflection and evaluation of the quality of service provided. It provides illustrations of what constitutes ‘very good’ and ’weak’ practice in relation to each quality indicator. We will only evaluate against illustrations and key areas that are relevant to the service you provide as stated in your aims and objectives. For example, if you do not have any remit to provide or contribute to support planning, the quality illustrations relating to this will not be taken into account.
The frameworks also provide information about how we gather evidence on an inspection and include links to relevant improvement resources.
You can read a copy of our draft quality framework for nurse agencies here.
Complete our survey by Sunday 8 May 2022.