Video Consulting clinics and services are being developed across the UK using Attend Anywhere. With a principle of only asking people to travel where there is a clear benefit, this conference aims to showcase how Attend Anywhere / NHS Near Me clinics have transformed the way services are being delivered.
Participants will
- Find out how NHS Highland has transformed outpatient services in Caithness, with 10% of all outpatient activity in the area being delivered by its NHS Near Me service.
- Hear about the video consulting pilot underway in NHS England.
- Learn from service providers across health, care and the 3rd sector.
- Find out how best to support service users.
- Influence the next version of Attend Anywhere.
- Work with colleagues to find solutions to some of challenges faced.
A range of parallel workshops will benefit both those starting on their video consulting journey and those seeking to scale-up. These will include
- Getting the Technology Right
- Service Design Workshop
- Attend Anywhere Overview
- Taking a Quality Improvement Approach
- Evaluation
- Shaping the Future
Central Hall is located in the Tollcross area of central Edinburgh. It is a 10 minute walk from Haymarket Station. From the airport, take the airport bus or tram then alight at Haymarket station.
For more information about the conference, please visit