The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has opened a number of new Twitter channels - a corporate channel and channels for medicines and devices safety information.
- @MHRAgovuk is the corporate channel and lists the latest information and updates from the MHRA
- @MHRAmedicines lists medicines information and safety alerts
- @MHRAdevices lists devices information and safety alerts
- @MHRApress lists press releases and statements from the MHRA Press Office
- @MHRAherbals lists information on the safe use of herbal remedies
For more information on their Twitter channels take a look at the Stay Connected page.
Please note that the Press Office Twitter account name has been changed to @MHRApress and the Herbal Remedy Safety has been changed to @MHRAherbals.
Existing followers of these two channels will automatically be switched across to the new accounts.