Bristol-based communiuty pharmacy “Pharmacy Plus” posted a message on its website on Tuesday 20 May 2014 saying that the business was now in the hands of administrators.
The company supplied hundreds of care homes in England and Wales and marketed their service and electronic medication recording system to care homes in Scotland.
The Care Inspectorate is not aware of any Scottish care homes moving to this community pharmacy provider. More information can be found at
A letter about electronic medication recording systems was published on our website and sent to all care home (via e-forms) and community pharmacists by their respective NHS Boards in Autumn 2013.
A small working group has been set up to look at standards for electronic medication recording systems in Scotland. It is hoped this work will taken forward by one of the working groups set up to progress “Prescription for Excellence, A Vision and Action Plan for the Right Pharmaceutical Care through Integrated Partnerships and Innovation” Published by the Scottish Government in September 2013.