Dementia Carer Voices has now gathered 2500 pledges as part of the "You Can Make a Difference" campaign.
The campaign encourages people to listen to the experiences of people who have cared for a loved one with dementia and to think how they can make a positive difference in people's lives. The team are delighted to have gotten such a strong response, and would like to take this opportunity to reflect on our journey up until now and how they have gotten to this point.
A fundamental aspect of the campaign has been about involvement. Throughout the 180 talk tour, they have engaged with several thousand health and social care professionals, students, MSPs and members of the public, and have noticed a distinct increase in the number of pledges they have received when people are encouraged and supported to do so by colleagues and friends. They would therefore like to ask you to share this campaign, to encourage people you know to get involved and make a pledge to make a difference in the lives of people who have dementia, their families and carers. Through their own dedicated blog site, twitter account and website, the campaign is easily shared, and links people to a range of information.
Pledges can be submitted via email, twitter or on the blog site, and are also collected at every talk. They would very much appreciate it if you would promote this campaign; the talks and films and encourage people to reflect on what they can do and how they can make a difference.