Report on findings from consultation with family carers of people who live in care homes

The consultation was carried out with family carers of people experiencing care in adult and older people’s care homes in Scotland to help ensure we are hearing their voices and to widen knowledge of their experiences and views. 

Findings from consultation with family and carers

Literature review

The Anne’s Law Project aims to uphold the rights of people who live in adult and older people’s care homes, with a particular focus on promoting meaningful social connection and community involvement. To enable the project to provide evidencebased guidance and support, a review of published literature on the subject of meaningful social connection for people who live in care homes was completed. It was envisaged this would enable a greater breadth and depth of understanding of issues relevant to the project and provide a clear narrative for future work.

Literature review

Report on engagement visits

We have published a report of the findings from our engagement visits to care homes.

Report on engagement visits to care homes

Report on findings from consultation with care home staff

To inform our work, we sought views from staff working in care homes for adults and older people about opportunities they had to support people with meaningful connection, and how confident they felt to do so. This was to supplement the data gathered during our engagement visits to care homes, and to further enhance our understanding of what mattered to staff working in care homes, allowing us to consider their perspectives and experiences as we co-create future guidance. We published a report on the findings from our consultation with care home staff.

Report on findings from consultation with care home staff

Report on visits to non-residential services

Building on our previous visits to engage with people living in care homes, family carers, and staff, we visited non-residential care services (day centres) during February and March 2024. The purpose was to gather views and experiences from people about what matters to them in terms of meaningful connection, what works well, and what challenges and barriers may exist. We also wanted to establish where the themes reflected or differed from those identified during the care home visits and literature review.

Report on engagement visits to non residential services